Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bris of Zev Matthew / Ze'ev Matityahu

Zev makes his first visit to Nana's house a week after he was born. Many thanks to Paulette for hosting and organizing, not to mention baking tons of desserts :) Thanks to Ann, Bob, and Grandma Mac for sponsoring the food at the bris, and to everyone who could come for sharing our simcha with us!

Daddy, Great-Granddaddy, and the mohel Rabbi Miara perform the circumcision. Mostly Rabbi Miara, but Josh did officially appoint the mohel as his agent first:

Great-gram holds Zev as we explain the meaning of his name--see below:

Ze’ev Matityahu is named after our respective maternal grandfathers: Ze’ev, Hebrew for wolf, after Martin Wolfgang Jeremias and Matityahu after Matthew Sylvester Davis. We hope that our son will embody the best characteristics of his great-grandfathers, who share a core set of values that we hope to instill in him.

Martin Jeremias, or Grandpa, was a true renaissance man. His knowledge spanned many disciplines—music, geology, literature, science—and he loved to share this knowledge with and educate his family. I fondly remember trips to the zoo, strawberry picking, going fishing, or climbing the crabapple tree in his backyard with him—each outing fun, but also a learning experience.

Matthew Davis, or Granddaddy Davis, was also a man who believed in the importance of education. An optometrist by training, he was just as comfortable quoting Shakespeare, Karl Marx, the Torah—or making up his own language—as he was explaining his models of various human body parts to his family. Sara particularly enjoyed going to her grandather’s office and learning the parts of the eye from him in a hands-on fashion.

Some of you may have already noticed that our son’s Hebrew middle name is also seasonally appropriate for a Chanuka baby, as Matityahu was the patriach of the Maccabees, and played a key role in the resistance of the Jews against their Greek oppressors. We hope Zev also will come to know when to stand up to authority—as long as it isn’t ours.

Our grandfathers’ breadth of knowledge, love of family, and sharing knowledge with others, is something we respect in the highest regard. We hope our son, Zev Matthew Korn, has a long, happy and healthy life, full of a thirst for knowledge—and eventually becoming a fountain of insights in his own right. We will look to the examples from our grandfathers for inspiration as we work to raise him along a path of Torah study, marriage, and good deeds.

We also want to take just one moment to thank my Mom, for hosting, setting up, and organizing the brit, and Sara’s parents and grandmother for sponsoring the seudat mitzvah that follows, and my Mom, grandmother, and aunt for the plethora of desserts. We also thank my grandmother and grandfather who made the shlep here to celebrate this day with us. We are indebted to them all—along with our grandparents who unfortunately are no longer with us, including Zev Matthew’s two namesakes, and my father. We wish they could be here with us and always have them in our hearts.
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Preparing for the big day

Two nights before, Ann and Bob take turns holding as-yet unnamed Baby Boy Korn, letting Sara, Josh, and Baby catch up on some much needed sleep. Much thanks to Ann and Bob for staying with us this first week, helping with errands, meals, and midnight pacing/soothing sessions :)

The night before the bris, Baby Boy Korn completely wore himself out composing his acceptance speech:

Minutes before the bris, we work on feeding him his first liquid other than breastmilk: sugar water, to help take the edge off:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dlet Day!

Baby Boy Korn
20.5", 7lbs 10.8oz
born on 12/17/2009
@ 10:01 am

Everyone is healthy, happy, and sleepy. We're still figuring out how things work, so pardon short and/or slow updates.
Many thanks to "Nana" (Josh's Mom), Lauren, and Naomi setting us up with necessities for the first few days, get home, and start our family.
Many thanks to "Bubbie" and "Granddaddy Mac" (Sara's parents) for staying with us for the first few days and helping us get settled!
Many thanks to all for emails, calls, and moral support!

I guess that sums up how "Dlet" (real name upcoming) feels about things. Visit again soon!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Building a Sukkah, Part I

Josh has, for a long time, been talking about building a sukkah to cover the whole deck. Well, finally he's done it (part I)! Here is the sukkah, of his own design:

Step 1: Buy a bunch of wood. (8 [2x4], 20 [1x2], 1 [1x6], 1/4" dowels)

Notch 2 of the [2x4]s to fit the [1x6] 4 inches deep. Drill and add 2 dowels to the top of all 8 [2x4]s.

Slide the 1x6 into the notches, and the [1x2]s (on the taller axis) onto the dowels (having first cut them to size and having drilled holes into them, obviously).

By adding a few dowels along the short side of the sukkah, the extra 12 [1x2]s can be stood up to be a foundation for the schach.
Tada--(the structure of) a sukkah the size of the deck!
Next up: walls (tarps?) and schach (4 [4x8] bamboo mats).

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Making Round Challot for 5770!

Shana Tova everyone! We undertook our yearly creation of round challot. Sara mixed the ingredients. Josh rolled out the dough and started braiding:

Start with a weaved pound sign, as above. Then swap the location of each pair of braids that makes a 90 degree angle. Do that again, but crossing in the opposite direction. Do it one last time, and you end with the picture below:

Pinch all 8 ends together in the middle and flip the thing over:

Rise, egg wash, and bake!

Yum! (And cranberries go awesomely with honey)
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vacation in Northern California

What a busy week!
First we went to San Francisco--we wandered around Fisherman's Wharf, Ghiradelli Square, and all the way to the Golden Gate bridge. Click here for some highlights. Or just enjoy resting your feet and seeing the Golden Gate in the background. (Sara must be staring off at a distant Alcatraz.)

Then we went hiking in Oakland, at a now-collapsed volcano and in some redwood forest. Click here for highlights. Or just appreciate this photo here--Sara at the top of a quarry in the volcanic preserve:

On day 3, Friday, it was time to head down to Sunnyvale for wedding weekend. (The purpose of our trip--to celebrate Beth and Evan's wedding!) We stopped at Quarry Lakes along the way. It was a gorgeous, if hot, day. We both came back with a bit of a tan. Highlights here, or just enjoy this one lake photo:

On Sunday, Beth married Evan! It was a beautiful day, and a beautiful wedding, all in Beth's grandparent's backyard! Click here for some highlights, or just enjoy her happy, loving gaze:

Finally, we drove up north to see wine country. And the Jelly Belly factory. Click here for some highlights. Or just enjoy Sara inspecting the grapes for firmness.

Finally...a HUGE thank you to Garrett and Elke Barter for being such amazing and giving hosts to us this weekend, allowing us to use their guest room, their car, Penny (their GPS), their guidebooks, and their food. You guys rock!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ultrasound @ 20 weeks

Dlet shows off swimming ability!

And here we see a nice footplant (5 toes?), a prominent nose, and both a left and right brain hemisphere!

In a few more months, we hope to be able to share color pictures :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Auntie's 60th!

We went to W. Hartford this past weekend to celebrate Aunt Helen's 60th birthday.
In addition to Mom, Jason, Naomi, Lauren, Jerald, Jono, Seth, Becca, and Justin, we spent the whole weekend with:

Shalom, Aviva, Rena, Elliot, Avi, Yitzi, Uncle Les, Ella, Nachi, Aunt Helen, Tzipora, Gram, Elan, Mo, Daniel, Meira, and Chani! It was good to gather the clan from Boston to Baltimore and hang out all 28 of us. It doesn't happen often enough. Thanks for being born, Auntie!

Of course, with that many kids (and adults), the party wasn't the orderly, calm type as you might think from the above picture. Most of the time things were moving so fast the pictures came out blurry! Here's a more representative shot:

For more pictures, see here

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mohonk Weekend

We spent this past weekend at the Mohonk Mountain House (near Poughkeepsie), with Sara's family. A wonderful time was had by all!

FF(il), A/M(il), Jeff, Andrew, Laura, Sara, Uncle Edwin, and Josh
Not pictured: Morris, Janet, Nathan, and Shirley

This is the actual hotel (plus part of the dock and lake):

This is the top of a cliff called "skytop". We didn't climb it on this trip, but did on a previous trip some years ago. The climb includes the infamous "lemonsqueeze" toward the top:

For more pictures (and videos!) check out here

CSA week 7

Try and see if you can find:
An eggplant, yellow and green beans, 7 ears of corn, carrots, kale, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, romaine, potatoes, basil, garlic and radicchio!

In case you have trouble with the carrots, here's a hint: they aren't orange :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

CSA week 6

Here's this week's CSA:

From left to right, we have:
1 head red leaf
1 garlic
1 tomato
1 bunch parsley
1 head red cabbage
3 cucumbers (stay tuned for pickles made from last week's)
1 bunch beets
3 onions
1 zucchini
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Friday, July 10, 2009

CSA bounty week 5!

From left to right:
Dill, carrots, red kale, 3 onions, 1 garlic, red and white potatoes, a hidden zucchini, romaine, and cukes galore (which we'll pickle, with the dill--yum!).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

CSA week 4

Sara is busy in the kitchen cooking up the last of our yummy veggies from last week! Not in the cooking mood, I though I'd at least do something CSA-related though...

Anyway, one day, maybe I'll take a picture of the finished product. In the meantime, here's what we started with a week ago:

For those that can't tell, from left to right, we have:
Early onions
Yellow chard
And in the back: Kohlrabi and and Green-Leaf Lettuce

The end of a legend

Today (well, a month ago, but this blog isn't in real time) the legend of our triplets bites the dust. Sadly, as of 6/8/09, Sara only has permission to eat for two, not four:

But here's a series of 3, to make it easier to pretend:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Have you heard the good news?

Sara gets special parking at Wegman's!

Picking at our farm share

We visited Red Fire Farm for pick-your-own strawberries and peas:

It was toward the end of strawberry season,
but the sugar snap peas were top rate.
Here's what we managed to loot:

Jacob and Rose get married!

We were seated at table infinity:

Here is some evidence of the marriage:

Here is our CSA share, week 2:

My favorite was the caduceus carrot!
